At last!, I have finally finish the Windows GlassConsole-Lite. A fully functional windows console for the Asterisk PBX. People have always askme for an easy to use hand off linux, Asterisk Console. To be totally graphicall and not having to deal with the struggle of going trough a web site or a linux prompt. Well, here it is!. GlassConsole-Lite, is a message driven console that allows you to monitor every single aspect of your Asterisk server. From active calls, conference rooms, agents , queues, channels. Not only that it gives you alarms triggers. Where you can setup alarms in real time based on events or alarms on the systems. These can be either visually on the screen , to email or to file. Everysingle alarm is also autoamticly log to a file. For those that use asterisk in a production environment GlassConsole-Lite is amust monitoring tool to have.
With the GlassConsole-Lite you can view:
* Actual bridge calls.
* Actual register phones in the system.
* Number of CHannels being use either in Zap, Sip, Iax.
The single server license has the following alarms:
* Alarms if the console is exited.
* Alarm when the console get s started.
* Alarm if connected to the Asterisk server.
* Alarm if you loose connectivity to the server.
* Alarm if a phone does not re-register in the time required.
* Alarm if a Zap Channels goes down.
* Alarm when a Zap Channels clears.